
Predictable, Long Lasting Dental Care
A healthy and functional oral environment is a vital component for an enjoyable “gustatorial experience” on a daily basis. Oral health will enhance not only your personal confidence but also your quality of life. Whatever your dental needs may be, regular maintenance or to regain function and esthetics, we are dedicated to provide quality dental care in a comfortable and private atmosphere with predictable long lasting results in mind for our patients.
World Class Dental Care Provided by Certified US Trained Specialist Team
Dr. Kohei Fujimoto is a board certified specialist in the treatment of periodontal disease and dental implants. He is a graduate of the University of Washington Graduate Periodontal Program in 2001 and has been board certified by the American Academy of Periodontology in 2005. The Fujimoto International Dental Clinic is a general practice clinic that provides both periodontal and restorative comprehensive dental care. We also maintain an extensive relationship with other US trained specialists to refer in other fields of dentistry both domestically and internationally for the best possible care of our patients.
藤本順平は補綴治療(クラウン/歯の被物)に関する“Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics”という教科書を執筆、Elsevier出版から販売されております。日本版は"クラウンブリッジの臨床"というタイトルで医歯薬出版から販売され、テキストの画像は当院の補綴・インプラント治療の画像が掲載されております。本著は全米の歯学部の2/3で正式な教科書として採用されるほど世認知・普及しております。また、英語以外でも6カ国語に翻訳され世界的に広く利用されております。また、藤本浩平も歯周治療、インプラントをテーマに“インプラント治療の根拠とその実践”(クインテッッセンス出版)など、多くの執筆活動を行っております。
Dr. Junhei Fujimoto, Author of a World Renowned Dental Textbook
Dr. Junhei Fujimoto is a co author of the textbook “Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics”(Mosby) which is currently in its 5th edition. This textbook is used in two thirds of the dental schools in America and has been translated into 6 languages and is read throughout the world as one of the most comprehensive books regarding prosthodontic dentistry.
The Fujimoto Dental Institute
Junhei Fujimoto completed his formal training in the field of Fixed Prosthodontics at the University of Indiana in 1976 and went on to teach at the University of Florida to 1978. He has been continuously teaching prosthodontic dentistry and occlusion since his return from America for over 30 years. He has currently trained more than 1000 dentists through his teaching institute. Currently the institute also holds separate courses for clinicians in Periodontics and Implant dentistry by Dr. Kohei Fujimoto, Endodontic dentistry course by Dr. Hiroshi Ishii and an Orthodontic course by Dr. Hatsuhiko Kaji. Dr. Junhei Fujimoto lectures with Dr. Atsushi Nishigori in his Prosthodontics and Occlusion course. All of our lecturers are certified US trained specialists.
Precision Dentistry
Great care is taken upon our preparations on teeth for restorations to ensure the highest degree of precision so there are no large gaps at the margin with the tooth. Large gaps that are present around the crown margin will harbor dental plaque and become the starting point of new decay underneath a restoration and cause it to ultimately fail and lead to further treatment.
Newest CT Scanning Technology For Accurate Diagnosis and Evaluation
For patients who require dental implant therapy it is important to evaluate the volume, quality of bone and anatomical structures around the proposed implant site by a CT scan. By using current CT imaging technology we are able to accurately evaluate the surgical area and plan the procedure according to the given conditions for a safe and predictable procedure.
Comprehensive Laboratory Work
Our commitment to consistently maintain a high level of precision in our restorations are supported by our laboratory staff. All impressions are carefully scrutinized under the microscope under magnification by the trained eyes of our master laboratory technician for imperfections that will compromise the degree of fit / precision of the final restoration. The fabrication of the restorations are all done individually by hand underneath the microscope under the utmost care whether it be an all ceramic restoration or a simple gold inlay. We are able to exercise more control in the fabrication of the final restoration and fine adjustments for delivery as well.

診断や治療方針の正しさを保障するのは、言うまでもなく科学的に証明された文献などによる 情報ですが、医療行為そのものを保障するのは、実は文献やテキストではなく「治療担当者の技術の質」にかかってきます。
常に最新の情報に基づくprinciple(原理原則)に則り、その principleを患者さんに正しく適用するための「高度な技と術」を 身につけた歯科医師であってはじめて、science(知ること)とart(組み合わせること)の融合を果たした歯科医療を実現することができます。歯科治療は手仕事です。
The Fujimoto International Dental Clinic is located in the Ginza district of Tokyo and has been serving the dental needs of patients since 1981. Dr. Kohei Fujimoto speaks fluent English and sees many foreign patients on a daily basis.
Dr. Kohei Fujimoto provides comprehensive dental care and is also a Periodontist trained in the United States. A Periodontist is a specialist in the field of gum disease and dental implants. He is a Board Certified Specialist (Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology) and one of only a handful of certified U.S. trained specialists in Japan.