The Fujimoto International Dental Clinic is located in the Ginza district of Tokyo and has been serving the dental needs of patients since 1981. Dr. Kohei Fujimoto speaks fluent English and sees many foreign patients on a daily basis.
Dr. Kohei Fujimoto provides comprehensive dental care and is also a Periodontist trained in the United States. A Periodontist is a specialist in the field of gum disease and dental implants. He is a Board Certified Specialist (Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology) and one of only a handful of certified U.S. trained specialists in Japan. Dr. Fujimoto graduated from Tokyo Dental College and received his specialist training at the University of Washington Graduate Periodontics Program in 2001 and remained as a Teaching Assistant until returning to Tokyo in 2003. During his teaching position he received the award for best clinical professor from his students and his research was awarded best Dental Implant Research by the California Society of Periodontists in 2003.
The Fujimoto International Dental Clinic is well known both in Japan and internationally due to the work of Dr. Junhei Fujimoto. Dr. Junhei Fujimoto is a specialist in the field of prosthodontic (crowns, bridges and dentures) dentistry who graduated from the specialty program at the University of Indiana in Indianapolis in 1976. He later went on to become the assistant professor and director of the department of fixed prosthodontics at the University of Florida, school of dentistry. He is the author of a world renowned dental textbook “Contemporary Prosthodontics” (Mosby / Elsevir) that has been translated into 8 different languages and used in two thirds of all the dental schools in the United States.
Junhei and Kohei Fujimoto both currently maintain an active academic teaching program as well as giving lectures in Japan and internationally.
The Fujimoto International Dental Clinic is dedicated to providing comprehensive world class dental care of the highest quality in a quiet and private atmosphere. We would be happy to assist the English speaking community in Japan. In the event that someone should ever need our service for comprehensive treatment, dental emergencies, regular checkups, cleaning & consultations, or continuation of ongoing treatment we will be more than glad to help. We also maintain a network of U.S. trained dental specialists who can speak English for referrals within Japan and internationally as well.
Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM.
Closed on Weekends and National Holidays
For an appointment, please call (English Spoken): 03-5551-0051 (Fax: 03-5551-0052)
All phone calls between 1pm to 2pm will be answered by an answering machine on workdays.
Or, E-Mail:
Fujimoto International Dental Clinic is a designated facility by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide Consumption Tax Exemption Service (Designated Store) for Foreign Diplomatic Missions in Japan. Patients eligible for tax exempt transactions will be required to present a “Tax Exemption Card” and “Identification Card” upon payment.
Payments may be made by cash at the office directly or by credit card.
We are also a TRICARE Preferred Provider (TOPD) for the Active Military Service Members in Japan.
All Dental Procedures at the Fujimoto International Dental Clinic are beyond the coverage of the Japanese National Health Insurance System.
Tax Exemption For Foreign Establishments in Japan (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Tricare Preferred Care Provider for Department of Defense Members
We look forward to serving your dental needs.
Thank you,
Kohei Fujimoto, D.D.S., M.S.D., Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology
Kami-Pulp Kaikan 4F, Ginza 3-9-11 Chuo-ku, Tokyo-to 104-8139, JAPAN

1988 -1994Tokyo Dental College (Tokyo, Japan)
1998 -2001University of Washington, School of Dentistry, Graduate Periodontics (Seattle, WA, U.S.A)

1994 -1998Fujimoto International Dental Clinic (Tokyo, Japan)
2001 – 2003University of Washington, School of Dentistry
(Seattle, WA, U.S.A) -
2003 – CurrentFujimoto International Dental Clinic (Tokyo, Japan)

Evaluation of Bone to Implant Contact using Osteotomes

- American Academy of Periodontology
- American Board of Periodontology
- American Academy of Osseointegration
- Japan Academy of Clinical Periodontology, Board Member
- Japanese Society of Periodontology
- Japan Society of American-Educated Postdoctoral Dentists

1958 -1964Kyushiyu Dental College (Fukuoka, Japan)
1974 -1976University of Indiana, School of Dentistry, Graduate Prosthodontics (Indianapolis, IN, U.S.A)

1976 -1977Assistant Professor, University of Florida, Department of Prosthodontics
(Gainesville, FL, U.S.A) -
1977 -1980Professor, University of Florida, Department of Prosthodontics
1977 -1980Director, Graduate Prosthodontics, University of Florida
1981 – CurrentFujimoto International Dental Clinic (Tokyo, Japan)

- American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics
- American Academy of Restorative Dentistry
- The American Equilibration Society
- American College of Prosthodontics
Address:Kami-Pulp Kaikan (Phoenix Plaza) 4F,Ginza 3-9-11, Chuo-ku, Tokyo-to, 104-8139
Please see the map above for the general location of our clinic.
We look forward to serving your dental needs in a private English speaking environment.
If you do have difficulty locating us, please feel free to give us a call.
Kohei Fujimoto & Staff, Fujimoto International Dental Clinic.